On our way out to see the Falcon we stopped at this little guy to take a picture. Even if you gave me a million dollars I couldn't tell you what kind of airplane it is. I can tell you that the propellers were on the back of the wing. Perplexing. I can also tell you there was something very suspicious in the back seat in a black bag. Scary.
I can tell you what kind this one is for a million dollars. Aviation knowledge is going to get me far in life. I can feel it. I mostly like that I think I am the President and that I have a Diet Coke. Classic.
Right before I became the Pilot in Command (I know Lauren and Pepper are so jealous of that) they said be careful not to touch ANY buttons when you climb in the seat. Okay! No problem retired military guy that can probably snipe my ass. So what do I immediately do after the warning? Hit buttons with my head as I am climbing in. Smooth. Very smooth. Also, I don't think Lauren should be touching that thing. I am just saying.
Totally rockin' the thumbs up. We were laughing so hard the entire time. Oh, aviation humor. So funny.
This was from a few months ago. I would like to note that I never get ready for work anymore. I give myself 15 min. to get ready and I look H.O.T. Don't blame me. Blame the fact that I can't sleep anymore.
Lauren and I decided that this was going to be our fun bus to Wendover. We go out to take a picture. We take a million because we are laughing so hard the entire time. Plus our camera guy is super shy, hilarious, and we were bossing him around. After we were finished we looked over and there were two buses full of guys waiting to board the fun bus. I bet they loved every second of our random poses. I bet they also loved my cordless phone. Work comes first. Duh.
these are so fabulous!
i agree with teh skil, they are!
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