Friday, December 10, 2010

Dani's Wake

Many friends.
Some I had not seen in a long time.
So much love.
This is how Phyllis drinks wine fancily.
Nailed it.
Even his hair is fancy.
After everyone left a few of us stayed through the night.
For some reason everyone wore Rohen's mitten to sing.
Why we ended up singing I don't know, but I think it healed hearts just a tiny bit for a few hours.
Serious singing face right there.
Fernanda sings like a champ.
She is also Brazilian.
Guess who did about a billion Brazilian dances all night?
Fernanda and me.
I learned some new moves.
She is rad.
The guy that can play every instrument.
Mags and Arnold went pro at finding lyrics for us.
Probably the second time in my life I wanted an iPhone.
Will sings. Real life.
The wedding guitarist showed us his skills.
The moment Josh fell in love with the mitten.

Someone thought they could put on shoes that were 238497239 sizes to small for him.
Yep, the singing was filmed.
Definitely one of my finest nights.
Not embarrassing at all.
Oh wait, I do this stuff all of the time.
You would think I would learn my lesson.
P.S. Sam....I still wear the buttons you made me that night.
I heart them and will accept more.
A button maker.
So glad you and Josh made an appearance that night.
Best friends.